person holding notebook beside ceramic cup - 9 journal prompts to help you at the end of the day

9 Journal prompts to help you at the end of the day + Giveaway

3rd July 2023

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Journaling is a great way to help you unload what is on your mind. You can journal at any point of the day. Some people like to journal in the morning, whereas others like to take the time to reflect on the day. Many people do both. The end of the day is one of the most worthwhile times to help you reflect, analyse, and prepare for the next day. Journaling is a great way to do that and I have got some incredible journal prompts to help you do it. 

End of the day journal prompts to help you reflect

crop man taking notes in copybook in dark home office - 9 journal prompts to help you at the end of the day

How did you feel today?

One of the first things you can do is think about how you felt today. What were your emotions? Did you feel happy or sad, frustrated or elated? Think about your various feelings and sum up how you have felt. Don’t worry if it feels negative or if you didn’t have a great day. This is the perfect way to unpack these feelings and stop them from building up. Helping you to move forward. 

List three things you are grateful for today

Gratitude is one of the best ways to help you with your mindset, so journaling three things that you are grateful for can help you to get into that mentality of feeling grateful for the little things as well as the big things. It could be a person, a nugget of time, or an actual thing. Whatever you are grateful for today, note it down and share why. 

What did you learn today? 

Another great way to reflect is to look at what you have learnt. You don’t need to have been in a lesson or done any training in work to have learned something. It could be that you have learnt how you can react, learned how to express your thoughts or feelings, or maybe even learned a new hack. Whatever it is, journal it. 

focused young woman writing agenda in diary - 9 journal prompts to help you at the end of the day

What bothered you today? 

You should also take some time to note down anything that has bothered you today. It may have been your reaction to something or perhaps a situation or challenge that you are now faced with. Take the time to think about what has bothered you, it doesn’t matter how small or insignificant it may be. 

How can you improve that tomorrow or in the future?

In addition to the above prompt, think about how you can improve on that situation or thing to help you tomorrow or in the future. It doesn’t need to be anything too significant, or even just a small change you might make. It might be how you choose to react, or perhaps you want to take time to reflect so it won’t bother you again. 

What can you take from today to help with tomorrow?

Take some time to think about what you can take from today that will help you tomorrow. Maybe you loved how you faced a challenge, or perhaps you have done something that you enjoyed and want to do more of. It could be a lesson that you have learned or a mindset that helped. Note it down to remind yourself of how you want to take things moving forward. 

photo of person writing on notebook - 9 journal prompts to help you at the end of the day

What are my goals for tomorrow?

Do you have any goals for tomorrow? What is it you want to achieve? This is the perfect time to note down a “to-do” list or any specific things you want to achieve the next day. Doing this the night before helps you to decompress from your day and stops you from overthinking or mentally reminding yourself of it during the night. It has been proven to help you get a decent night’s rest. 

Who did I appreciate today?

This is a bit of an extension of feeling grateful, but more about what you appreciated it. It might be something small such as someone making you a drink, to something big like praise in the workplace. What did you appreciate and how did it make you feel? Sometimes it is the small things that can remind us of what is important. 

What will help me make tomorrow great? 

Finally, think about what could help you make tomorrow great. Is it preparing the night before so you don’t have to rush in the morning? It might be that you want to get up earlier to exercise or maybe you want to achieve your “to-do” list. Whatever it might be, note it down and journal about it so you can really reflect and cement it into your mind. Then you can journal about it the following day. 

I hope these journal prompts will help you end the day in the right way. 

Win an Ohh Deer Daily Journal

To help you put these journal prompts into practice I have an Ohh Deer Daily Journal to giveaway to one lucky reader. Each page is un-dated, taking off that pressure to complete an entry every day so you can just pick up where you left off.

PRIZE: Ohh Deer Daily Journal (colour may vary)

To enter, complete the Gleam widget below, all entries are optional and each one completed will gain you more entries into the random draw.

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