7 Hobbies That Will Enhance Your Home

22nd June 2024

If you are looking to take up a new hobby that will give you something to do, there are a plethora of hobbies to enhance your home and maybe even start a new passion at the same time, so what are you waiting for?

How To Make Your Craft Business Thrive

18th June 2024

What does it take to make a craft business thrive? That’s what you’re about to find out. We take a look at some of the tactics and strategies you can deploy to make the most of it and run a successful enterprise that helps you bring in more money every month. 

The benefits of art therapy

6th June 2022

Art therapy is based on the premise that a person’s creativity can help them to express their emotions and deal with them accordingly. Trained art therapists provide the tools and supplies to allow a person to express themselves in whatever type of art form they desire. Painting, sculpting, drawing or a variety of other mediums can be used.

DIY Fall Decorations Ideas

1st October 2020

With these DIY Fall decorations, you are sure to be able to get your house ready for Fall without the worries of how much of a bite it will be out of the budget.

The Joys of Knitting

8th June 2020

Knitting; a craft that has been around for centuries – this mysterious art of using sticks to tie knots – who thought of that?! It turns out no one even knows yet, still it’s a hobby that makers of all ages and generations enjoy. A hobby that is so versatile with so many positives that go beyond what you’d think.

5 Tips For Baking With Kids

14th October 2019

Baking with kids is such a fun way to enjoy childhood with your kids. With childhood passing by so quickly, it’s important that you find creative ways to have some fun together. I’ll admit baking with kids is a messy deal, but it can be so rewarding and fun.

DIY Fall Wreaths

30th September 2019

Fall is almost here. That means cooler temperatures, pumpkin everything and fall wreath ideas. I love creating different fall wreath ideas because I have found, it can hard to decorate for Autumn. Most people either decorate for Halloween or just Fall. Because the decorating season for both tends to overlap, it is hard to do both.

14 Chandeliers to DIY

28th June 2019

When it comes to decorating your home, you might have a look you are striving for. Something that just screams your style and passion. However, sometimes, it can be hard to get the right look when it comes to store-bought designs. It could also be you want something that no one else would have. That is when it is best to turn to a DIY project, like a DIY chandelier.

How to start sanding with Dremel

5th June 2019

Whether you want to sand down an old piece of furniture or reshape a surface, it’s a good idea to consider the sanding basics. Dremel’s handy beginner’s guide to sanding will show you the tools of the trade and where to start

How to get started with routing with Dremel

8th January 2019

Take a look at this handy beginner’s guide introduces you to the routing trade and the tools you’ll need so you can get creative with decorative edges or try your hand at joinery. From choosing the right router bit to working with Dremel’s Plunge Router, you’ll be routing in no time.
