How To Have a Stress Free Move

How To Have a Stress Free Move

2nd February 2022

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Moving home can be one of the most stressful events in your life, so anything you can do to ensure that it will be a much smoother process will certainly be well received. So here are some tips on what you can do to make the move into your new home as stress free as possible. 

Make moving home as stress free as possible

Moving Home: How To Have a Stress Free Move

Ensure All Your Paperwork Is Up To Date 

The last thing you want is for there to be a delay in moving because you forgot to send some paperwork back to your estate agent. Writing a to-do list with deadlines in your diary will help you to keep track of any paperwork that needs to be dealt with before moving day so that the process can be as smooth as possible. 

Start Packing Your Possessions as Early as Possible 

You will find that when you start to sort through and organise your possessions that there is certainly a lot to get through. It’s quite easy to accumulate possessions over the years so the sooner you can start boxing them up, the less there will be to do near to moving day. You could also place a lot of boxes in storage with items that you will not need for the first few days after the move. That way it can reduce the number of boxes you have to move in one day. 

Redirect Your Mail 

You don’t want to be missing out on any important post because you forget to redirect your mail to the new home. Inform the post office in plenty of time in advance before moving that way you will know you will definitely receive all your bills and letters in your new home. 

Moving Home: How To Have a Stress Free Move

Hire a Professional Moving Company 

Instead of trying to cram as much as possible into your car and doing multiple trips from the old to the new house, why not hire a furniture removals company instead. They will be able to deal with the heavier items of furniture and ensure it is carried safely, whilst you can focus on moving the boxes instead. It will help you get through the process a lot quicker as well when you have help. 

Pack a Bag of essentials 

To save you time rummaging through your possessions when you get to the new house, looking for something important, it will be useful instead to pack a bag of essential items that you might need immediately. This could be things like toiletries, medicines, kitchen equipment, a few items of clothing and your mobile phone, laptop and any important chargers. It will take you time to adjust and unpack everything in the new home, so when you know you can easily pack a bag of essential items, it will make things a lot easier.  
