It is common to not want to get out of bed in the morning and face the day, but journaling can really help you to align your mind in a more positive way, having an impact on your morning and the rest of the day. So if you are interested in giving journaling a go in the morning, here are some of the journal prompts to start your day in the right way.
The way we start our day can impact how the rest of the day goes, don’t you agree? We have all been there when we have woken up in a bit of a bad mood, stumped our toe perhaps on the stroll to the bathroom, or found ourselves just feeling miserable and dreading the day ahead.
Start the day journal prompts

How do you want to feel at the end of the day?
A great way to start your day is to think about how you want to feel at the end of the day. Journalling how you want to feel at the end of the day will help you to align your mind in order to reach that end of day feeling. You are putting it out there for how you want your day to go.
What three things are you grateful for this morning?
Another great way to start your day is to journal the things that you are grateful for. Every morning you will be able to list three things that you were grateful for. It might be people, something you plan on doing, or just for the things that you have coming up. The more you practice gratitude the more positive you will feel. Where
What is the one thing you would like to do well today?
If you want to set a tone for the day then journal the one thing that you would like to do well. This might be work-related, to do with your relationship, or just to tackle that “to do” list. Listing just one single thing will give you the motivation to get it done.
Out of everything, what is the one thing you want to achieve today?
If you want to focus more on achievement than doing something well then why not journal one thing that you want to achieve that day? Again this might be to do with your relationship or it might be to do with work.
What do you want to make time for today?
Starting your day in the right way can be as simple as journaling something that you want to make time for that day. We can all be preoccupied with “to do” lists, work commitments, or general commitments that we need to achieve, but often making time for yourself is low on the priority list. Whether it is simply having a cup of tea, a hot bath, or a chance to read your book, a daily journal is something that you might want to make time for.

Where do you see yourself in a year’s time?
Journalling is all about having a positive mindset so a great way to start your day is to actually imagine how life might be in a year’s time. Think about everything from work to relationships to wear yours where you see yourself. The more detail you can put in the better.
What do you want to remind yourself of today?
Sometimes in the grand scheme of life, we can often forget to remind ourselves of certain things. So a great way to start your day is to remind yourself of how you are doing, how you feel, or something that you are doing well right now. This can help you to get into a positive mindset.
How would your life today amaze your childhood self?
It can be hard to think of how your life is today in a positive way when things don’t seem that way. So take some time to journal about what it is about your life today that would’ve made your childhood self. It might be that you achieved the career you dreamt of, or maybe you have gotten married or had a family. There will be something, even if it is just one thing, that will amaze your childhood self. So journal about it and remind yourself how good life can be.
What small steps can you take to reach one of the goals that you have?
We all have goals and so journalling something that you can do today be it a small step to reach one of your goals can give you some extra motivation and determination to get things done. It doesn’t need to be anything significant but even just one small step can make you feel awesome.
What can you do to set yourself up for success today?
Finally general about something that you can do today to set yourself up for success. This could be as simple as writing a list or getting something done that you know will help you in the days to come.
Hopefully, these general journal prompts will help you to start your day in the right way.
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