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Spring is definitely on its way, and although there are still grey clouds out there, heavy rain, and the threat of ice and snow, I can assure you that we are on the home stretch of winter and ready for brighter days, sun, and gorgeous spring blooms. However, winter can make us quite lazy when it comes to how we look and present ourselves. While there is nothing wrong with an oversized jumper, skinny jeans, boots, and a woolly hat, these outfit choices and presentation is just not going to cut it as the weather begins to get a little warmer.
This time of the year is the ideal time to really spend some time on yourself and get yourself preened ready for spring and summer. We are all too aware of how fast the year seems to be going already, hello it is nearly march! So without further ado, let’s get busy and get ready for spring on the beauty and fashion front.
Getting ready for Spring beauty and fashion

Your hair may need some attention
In the winter, we can easily cover up bad hair days by simply accessorising our outfits with a woolly hat of some kind. It is the ultimate winter fashion accessory but it just won’t cut it in the warmer months ahead. Of course, hats don’t need to be discarded entirely, but you may find that you want to give your hair some love and attention.
Winter can actually dry out your hair and it can even cause you to have a dry scalp, so you may want to look into things like the best shampoo for dry scalp or even a nourishing hair mask to bring those tresses back to life. Another thing you may want to consider is adding a new lease of life to your hair by having a good haircut. Split ends can be rife in the winter months and so cutting your hair well can really help it to thrive in the spring and summer months ahead.
Get the glow with your skin
Your skin can be quite dry after the winter thanks to the adverse weather condition, so much like your hair, you may need to give it some attention to bring it back to life and have it glowing for spring. Maybe now would be the ideal time to reinvent your skincare routine, try out a few new products, or just change things up a little. A good thing to do would be to put on a hydrating face mask, which not only adds some life to your skin but some much-needed moisture.
Many people prefer the more natural look in the spring and summer and opt for less makeup, so starting to take care of your skin now could help you to eliminate the bad skin days for the future.
It is time to really focus on the wardrobe
Your wardrobe might be full of jumpers and warmer things, but now would be a good time to get yourself a little more organised. While the cold weather hasn’t left us just yet, you probably don’t need all of the winter items you currently have stocked in your wardrobe. Give things a good clear out and leave yourself with a capsule wardrobe for the last few weeks of winter. Bring out your old summer clothes from storage or head to the high street as the latest seasonal trends will be in store.
Now is the ideal time to mix the seasons ahead of the transition, but to be organised and ready for the warmer days means you are just one step ahead.

Do you need to do some preening?
We cover up a lot in winter, but now is the time to take care of the rest of your body now you might want to have a little skin on show during the spring and summer. Daily moisturising is a great habit to get into and can have your skin on your legs and arms looking amazing ready for the vests and maxi dresses. Furthermore, you may want to start thinking about the extra preening of body hair that you might want to get rid of. Of course, we all have our own opinions on that, but getting prepared ahead of time means you are ready for the freak scorching days we often get during the spring months.
Get out and exercise
Not all of us enjoy exercising I know. But it can actually be a great way to start feeling good about yourself on the inside and out. Summer and spring see you probably spending more time outdoors, maybe socialising a little more or spending your days out instead of being involved in the latest box set on Netflix.
Exercise is such a great way to feel good and full of energy, and you just need to take that step and start. It might be as simple as being more active, so walking and focusing on how many steps you take in a day. Watches and trackers are a great way to keep track of what you are doing, and it can be a huge motivator in the process.
Put down the comfort food
Winter can often see us wanting all of the comfort food. A full stomach can help us to feel content, warm, and comforted. But, that won’t cut it in the spring and summer months as you may find yourself more drawn to salads and lighter foods. A well-balanced diet is the key to ensuring that you give your body exactly what it needs to function. So put down the comfort food that you may be consuming daily and start to indulge in some of the lighter alternatives available. You will feel better on the inside as well and look fabulous in the process.

Give your feet some love
Finally, no doubt your feet will have been in boots for what feels like ages, so your feet are likely to need some attention ready for those sandal-wearing days. Treat yourself to a pedicure or perform one at home. Take care of all the hard skin that may have accumulated. Moisture getting your feet and giving your nails some attention are also great ways to bring those footsies back to life.
I hope that this helps you get yourself ready for spring.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos