Welcome back to my A Few Favourite Things series. This week I have Joy from PinkOddy showcasing her favourite things. Whilst finding the time to run two blogs, she also has an amazing social media presence – so do pop over and check out her Twitter or Instagram feed to see what she has been up to recently.
A Few Favourite Things – PinkOddy
Joy Jackson writer of Pinkoddy and The Sensory Seeker.
A wife and mother of 4 boys; after graduating with a degree in Psychology decided to stay home to care for her children with disabilities. Now spends her time writing, improving the health of herself and her family – including generally getting everyone active.

Favourite room in your home
The favourite room in my house is sadly my bathroom. I guess for a couple of reasons – yes you’ve guessed it, as the only room I stand any chance of getting any peace (but that’s not even guaranteed!) but also it is the only room in our house that we have fully redecorated/redesigned since buying our house. It is a lovely modern white and chrome with a beautiful white laminate floor.
Favourite trend
I like the white (walls) look because it feels so clean and like a blank canvas. There’s so much other “stuff” in the house that provides plenty more colour.
Favourite thing you own
The favourite thing I own is my engagement ring. It is the ring that as a young girl (in my early twenties and below) if you asked me to imagine the most amazing engagement ring of my dreams that was it. In fact, my then-husband to be found out exactly that and then not only did he search it out but he also learned all about diamonds to make sure I had the best one.
It cost him a lot more than a month and a half’s wages too! (He was 20 and we were students at Uni). It means so much to me and was really the beginning of the journey of being made to feel so special by my husband.
Favourite colour
I guess white isn’t a colour but I really do love it. My kitchen is also white – contrasted with black. My favourite item in there is definitely my double sink – I had really wanted one for so long. Other than that I do like to mix a bit of red in there – but mainly with furnishings or equipment (like my red washing up bowl and tea towels).
Favourite season
House wise I really do love the Christmas Season. We redecorate the living room with red throws and seasonal cushions; not forgetting the festive door stops and excluders.

Favourite about where you live
I love the community spirit where I live. Yes, it can be a bit small-minded/gossipy because it is a small town and you can’t pass wind without everyone knowing about it – but I do think people pull together and try to help one another out here. It is a great location being just under an hour away in either direction to big Cities – but also right by the Cotswolds with plenty of places to explore.
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Twitter: @PinkOddy
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Pinkoddy
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pinkoddy
Pinterest: www.pinterest.co.uk/pinkoddy
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