Welcome back to my A Few Favourite Things series. This week I have Suzy from Our Bucket List Lives showcasing her favourite things. Please make sure you pop over to her site for inspiration on your very own bucket lists.
A Few Favourite Things – Our Bucket list lives
Suzy McCullough and I blog over at Our Bucket List Lives. I am married with one little boy who is soon to start school in September. We love to travel and enjoy days out at a variety of attractions.

Favourite room in your home
My kitchen. I say mine as it was all chosen by me. It’s finally finished and it’s a world away from the kitchen that was there originally. I own over 70 recipe books and I really need to get back into cooking meals from scratch again. We don’t have ready meals but I’m certainly not as adventurous as I used to be.
Favourite trend
I love Mediterranean villas. Our house has a similar feel. Especially with two large palm trees in the garden. It has been painted in an orangy colour widely used in Spain. Sitting out in our garden can certainly make you believe you are somewhere slightly more exotic. Rather than good old Blighty.
Favourite thing you own
My Canon camera. It was bought as a Christmas present for me in 2014 by my Mum and Dad. It has recorded so many special moments since. I love the quality of it, it far surpasses the quality of the photos from my smartphone. I have so many of the photos now in frames. Hopefully, my son will look at them for years to come and it will help him remember all the fun we’ve had with him.
Favourite colour
Blue. Perhaps a strange choice for a woman but I just love blue. My car is that colour and blue is the colour of my two favourite things. Those two things are the sky and the sea. Nothing can beat a lovely sunny day full of gorgeous blue. Nor a warm inviting sea that positively sparkles blue back at you. My boy also has a vast array of blue clothes because of my love for blue.
Favourite season
Summer. For sure it has to be summer. I love warm sunny days. Wine, picnics, strolls in the park, caravan breaks and water play in the garden. It’s what life is all about. I don’t redecorate no. I’d love to have more flowers in my house though to reflect the seasons.
Favourite about where you live
I love where we live in Lincolnshire. There are no motorways to get stuck on. We only live a 45-minute drive from the sea and the countryside around here is very scenic. There’s so much choice for days out and a great array of caravan sites to take our tourer caravan. We’ve only lived here a few years and we love it. I doubt we will leave the area.
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