Any Amazon fan knows that when you shop on you end up with a lot of boxes. Many are much larger than needed for the items inside. Finding ways to reuse these boxes is a great way to reduce your overall impact from your shopping online.
Here are a few great ways to reuse those Amazon boxes…
4 ways to reuse Amazon boxes
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
If you have been watching the new show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, you know just what to do with those small Amazon boxes. Even the big ones can be cut down to create organisation. Spice it up by attaching fabric with a hot glue gun for a quick and easy upcycled storage bin.
Biodegradable weed barrier
Come spring you can use your Amazon boxes in the garden. They make a great biodegradable weed barrier that will help reduce your work weeding. Simply lay strips out around your plants and cover with mulch to hide the Amazon boxes.
The cardboard will break down over the season and can be tilled right into the garden at the end of the season. While out in the garden you can use an Amazon bod to make a great kneeling pad for working in the garden to keep you comfortable and clean. Then toss in the compost bin when it becomes too worn out.
Added insulation
If you have a cold spot in the house the cardboard from Amazon boxes can be a great way to add insulation to help keep your family warm. This is particularly great over single pane windows. You can place them under rugs on cold hard floors for even more warmth or just to act as anti-fatigue padding.
Give Back Box
Give back by donating items you no longer need with

Some great ideas here. I particularly like the sound of the Give Back Box, if only it was available in the UK!
I have so many boxes in my house and have been putting them in the recycling bin recently to make some room. But I hadn’t thought about things I could do with them. A weed barrier and adding insulation are great ideas.
Love rugs