stressed black man with dreadlocks in psychological office

Are You Struggling With Depression? The Whys And The How

27th September 2024

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Depression is something that can we can all be affected by at some point in our lives. We like to think that life is rosy, but it isn’t always going to be like that. There can come times in your life when you can feel stressed and worried, anxious or upset, and this can then lead to feelings of depression and hopelessness. It isn’t something to be embarrassed about.

I wanted to share with you some of the reasons and situations that can cause depression and offer a few tips on how you can get through it. 

Why could you be feeling depressed?

If you are starting to feel a little depressed then the best place to start is to try and find the reason that is causing you to feel this way. Here are some examples. 

man wearing brown suit jacket mocking on white telephone - Why could you be feeling depressed?

Stressed at work

Work is something that many of us have no choice but to do. We need to earn money in order to pay our bills each month and survive. But with us spending such a huge chunk of our lives doing a job, is it making us happy? The chances are it isn’t.

I think a big majority of people will not enjoy the job, but there will be some that take that to the next level and actually hate the jobs they do. It can really get you down as you can start to feel trapped in the cycle of having no choice.

There is always a choice, and sometimes recognising that work is the trigger for your depression could give you the courage to do something about it. 

New baby in the family

A common cause of depression is a sudden change in your life, and there is no bigger change than having a baby yourself or becoming a parent for the first time. Postnatal depression is very common, not just for mothers but for fathers too. It can be a real cause for concern as you start to feel helpless, and even harder when you have the needs of another to take into account.

These feelings are very normal, and if you do spot the signs of postnatal depression then make sure you talk to someone about it. 

Money troubles

Money is a big cause of concern for many people, and if you don’t have enough of it, then you can really start to worry or feel stressed about the situation. It can cause you to feel like there is no way out, but burying your head in the sand is usually a sign of feeling depressed about the situation. Instead, you need to try and improve the situation in any which way that you can. 

Why could you be feeling depressed?

A failing relationship

When your relationship is failing, it can cause you to feel very upset. Especially if this is something you do not want or did not expect. You invest a lot into your relationships, we all do, and so it can feel like there is no way to turn or you perhaps might not see that you will ever be happy again. But relationships fail for a reason, and the truth is, it just wasn’t meant to be. 

Low self-esteem

Low self-esteem is also a big thing for people, and it can cause you to feel really down if you feel like you are not getting anywhere in life. You can lose your confidence in the workplace, with your friends and family and even in social environments. Causing you to feel lost and not sure which way to turn.

This can affect how you think as well, as you start to question whether you are good enough. Which leads you on a path to depression. Talking to people can really help you perform even this, and a change in mindset can be your biggest asset. 

How can you get through it?

Feeling at your lowest point may seem like you have nowhere to go or there is nothing you can do about it. The feelings and thoughts are designed to make you feel like there is no way out. But there is. It might not be easy, but there are things you can do, and actions you can take, that can help you on your way to getting back to how you used to be. Here are some of the suggestions to try. 

stressed black man with dreadlocks in psychological office

Try alternative methods

There are some great alternative methods out there these days that can really help when it comes to symptoms and feelings of depression. Many people are resorting to alternative methods as a healthier approach, or a chance to not use mainstream drug options that can be prescribed to them.

You could also try aromatherapy or hypnotherapy, where your thoughts are brought into balance, and even acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicines could be something to consider.

Talking and behavioural therapies

Maybe you think talking could help, and things like counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy can actually help you to make more sense of the thoughts and feelings you have, and therefore give you clarity on how to overcome them. It won’t be easy talking about these things, but many people say this can be one of the best ways to overcome feelings of depression. 

Exercise and a change in lifestyle

A change in lifestyle could be all it takes, and it can be that simple. Exercising more and eating the right things, focusing on your mindset and well-being, can all have a positive effect on your life and can therefore help you overcome feelings of depression. 

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Speaking to the doctor 

Finally, speaking to the doctor and discussing your options should always be one of the first steps that you should take. Once you admit there is an issue, the rest can seem like the easy part. 

I hope that these tips and highlighting some of the common causes of these feelings help you to feel less alone.

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