7 Ways to restore calm in your life | A Few Favourite Things

Burning the candle at both ends? How you can restore calm in your life

12th March 2022

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If you are finding that you are burning the candle at both ends, whether intentionally or not, here are some of the ways that can you restore calm in your life. 

We can all be guilty of burning the candle at both ends from time to time. This often means that we work hard, but play harder, or try and pack too much into our evenings when the children are in bed. Causing late nights and early mornings and you trying to thrive on very little sleep. Whatever your situation is, we can all be guilty of burning the candle at both ends. 

Restoring calm is essential to keep balance in your life, not to mention the way it can improve your mood and mindset. So if you are finding that you are burning the candle at both ends, whether intentionally or not, here are some of the ways that can you restore calm in your life. 

7 Ways to restore calm in your life

7 Ways to restore calm in your life | A Few Favourite Things

Keep a level head

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed during this time, which is completely understandable, so it can be hard to remain calm. However, ensuring that you keep a level head during the aftermath will be essential for you obtaining the right information and also taking the right action and steps to move forward. Stress can easily take over and your emotions can be heightened, so if it helps, remove yourself from the situation for a few moments so that you can compose yourself.   

Be structured with your actions and bring back routine

One of the things that you can do to bring calm back into your life is to be structured with your actions. This might mean that you incorporate routine, get up at the same time or try and go to bed at a reasonable hour. The more structure you have to your days, the more you can manage your expectations. It can also help you to be more productive with your time and enable you to get more things done. 

Learn to say no 

The big issue that many of us have when it comes to our lifestyle is that we can’t say no. We don’t know how to say no, which is where we can have issues with taking on too much. So try and figure out when you need to say no. If you don’t want to do it, don’t need to do it, or simply can’t then have the confidence to say no. Whoever it is will understand, and if they don’t then it is worth acknowledging whether they serve a purpose in your life. You are the master of your time, so use it wisely and bring back some calm. 

7 Ways to restore calm in your life | A Few Favourite Things

Ask for help 

Often we don’t know when to ask for help, and if you are taking on too much or trying to do too many things you are going to get burned out eventually. Know when to ask for help and decide what you need help with. Could you benefit from some childcare? Perhaps you want to delegate household jobs to other members of the family. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It will help you to re-prioritise your time and get back on track. 


You may think that exercise is adding to your already busy schedule, but it can make the world of difference to how you feel. Exercising can help to clear your mind, give you a boost in energy levels and help you to feel better on the inside. A simple brisk walk, a run, or a workout at the gym can all be ways to help you become more active. 

Get an early night 

Sleep is paramount to feeling better within ourselves so it might be time to look at getting an early night. You could even introduce your own bedtime routine where you look after your skincare, take some time to relax, and avoid screen time. You will feel much calmer for it in the morning and have raised energy levels.

Don’t let the negativity overwhelm you 

Finally, it can be hard to not let your emotions get the best of you, especially if you are feeling quite vulnerable or helpless. But negativity can really take advantage of these sorts of situations and they can cloud your thought process. There are many useful websites online that have more information on that. Instead, ensure that you try and remain calm and think positively as best you can. Emotions can run high, and often we can’t control things like getting upset or overwhelmed. But keep any sort of negative thoughts to a minimum. 

7 Ways to restore calm in your life | A Few Favourite Things

I hope that these tips help you to restore calm in your life when things are hectic.

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