struggling to sleep at night

Struggling To Sleep At Night? These Tips Will Help You Get Much-Needed Zzzzzzz

20th July 2021

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Sleep is one of those things every one of us will complain about at some point in our lives. We can be getting too much sleep which makes us feel lethargic and sluggish. We can simply not be getting enough of it, which can have a major effect on our mood or ability to function. We can have restless sleep, a night where you just toss and turn and can’t seem to get comfortable. It can certainly be a topic of conversation and complaint amongst all of us at some stage in our lives.

It might be that your circumstances are hindering your sleep, for example, when you become a parent to a newborn baby. There may be stresses at work relating to your mind working overtime, or you may not be taking care of yourself as much as you should be. 

The truth is, the main common complaint is wanting more sleep, or at the very least quality sleep. It can often feel like the holy grail, but sometimes a few changes can make all of the difference. Here are some tips you could try to help you get better sleep in your life. 

Think about your sleeping environment

One central area of concern when it comes to our sleep is the environment in which we do it. A bedroom is a bedroom, right? However, we can often not see past some of the issues staring us in the face. We may have a cluttered room, a room that has a multipurpose of functions. Perhaps it is messy or has an array of items you are yet to find a place for. Or, you may not have invested much into what you lay your head on at night.

These factors can play a massive part in a bad night’s sleep. Take some time to re-prioritise your view of your bedroom. Redecorate your room and declutter the mess. Think about the last time you changed your mattress, it is time that you upgraded to a hybrid mattress? Invest in more storage options so that it can remain a peaceful and tranquil place. You will be surprised by the positive effect this will have on your sleep. 

struggling to sleep at night

Think about how much water you drink

Many of us will be aware that we should be drinking more water each day, but did you know that the more water you drink, the better quality of sleep you will have?

Water is a vital element to help recuperate your body at night, so it is advisable to drink at least two water litres a day. Not only that but there are other positive factors to drinking more water so it could be a wise decision to make all round. This includes raised energy levels and improving your skin tone and condition. However, try and avoid drinking all of that water at the end of the day. Otherwise, you will be up and awake in the night to visit the bathroom. 

Think about the food that you eat

Your diet is also an essential factor, but not necessarily what you eat but when you eat it. Avoid eating late and try and ensure that your last meal of the day is your lightest meal. Your body digests food much quicker throughout the day as you burn the energy off; however, when you sleep, your digestion rate is at its slowest. Plus, the heaviness you feel can also affect your sleep pattern. 

struggling to sleep at night

Avoid screen time

This might be one of the hardest things to do, but it could help improve your sleep dramatically. Using your phone or tablet before you go to bed keeps your mind stimulated because of the blue light from the screen. It can be harder to relax and clear your head if you are still looking at a screen at night. Checking emails or social media is often done in the bedroom, however, try and change those habits. Put your phone away an hour before you intend to go to bed and read a book instead. Even avoiding TV can help you. The more this becomes a habit, the better sleep you will get. 

Think about how to relax in an evening

Finally, make it a priority to wind down in the evening before bed. A calm mind leads to peaceful sleep, so establishing a relaxing nighttime routine can be beneficial. Small rituals, like taking a warm bath or treating yourself to a swedish massage in Panama City, FL (or another local area), can help release any lingering tension from the day.

Follow this with a cup of herbal tea or some light reading to fully transition into rest mode. The goal is to create a comforting ritual that signals to your body and mind that it’s time to sleep. This is especially helpful if you encourage children to follow a bedtime routine—applying similar practices to your own evening can make a big difference in the quality of your sleep.

Improving your sleep doesn’t always require drastic changes—sometimes, it’s about making small, intentional adjustments that support your body’s natural rhythms. Whether it’s creating a calming environment, staying hydrated, or adopting a relaxing nighttime routine, these simple steps can add up to a better night’s rest. Remember, finding what works best for you may take a little time and experimentation, but prioritizing your sleep is an investment in your overall health and well-being. With a few mindful changes, you’ll be well on your way to more restful nights and brighter mornings.

Let’s hope these tips help you to get more sleep at night.
