Perfect Winter garden tips

24th October 2017

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The climate might be turning dark yet that doesn’t connote your garden also needs to.

With a touch of proper planning and concern, you can guarantee your garden continues developing throughout the entire season. You might not want to lock away your gloves yet. Pursue these convenient tips and observe your garden thrive in the cold season gloom.

Perfect Winter garden tips

Always winter clean

As cold season settles in, it’s imperative to ensure your garden don’t have any maladies. An ideal approach is to clean up all exhausted plant material. Evacuate dead plants, worn vegetables, and whatever else which could harm your garden’s overall health. If the garden has bolster structures, similar to bean stakes and trellises, make sure to thoroughly clean them for ensuring there aren’t any lingering maladies. Water with a bleach solution will also do.

It is also likewise a fine time to weed out your garden. The weed seeds tend to develop in hotter months, therefore it’s a smart thought to pull weeds before they get an opportunity to cause inconvenience in the spring.

Right plants

Cold season is to a few plants what the spring is for others. Vegetables such as cauliflower, peas, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage really develop best amid cooler season. Root vegetables such as beets, rutabagas, turnips, radishes as well as infant carrots are also other great choices. In case you’re searching for plants which will make the garden pop, go for English daisies, cheery pansies, and snapdragons.  Unless the garden is vulnerable to extreme cool spells, there’s no any reason not to make it sprout colourful blossoms and delectable plants.

Mulch generous

An awesome approach to help the garden grow whatever the season might be is to utilize mulch as manure. Mulch supports temperate soil temperature, making the plant roots damp as well as cool. This is especially essential during winters when the plants may wilt in the cruel and breezy conditions. Mulch additionally supports prevention of soil erosion. Layering mulch on your garden will help shield it from effects of raindrops plus windy conditions.

Soil testing

To ensure your garden will likely survive the winter, make sure to examine the soil’s pH level. For this, you can utilize pH device or an electronic analyser. For a veggie garden, go for 6.3-6.9 pH level of your soil. For a more than 7 means too much alkaline. Try including sphagnum peat moss and natural sulphur. For the excessive acidic conditions, you could expand the pH level using lime.

Compost leaves

Don’t forget to add the fallen leaves to your compost pile – they are the source of making leaf mould, compost and mulch.

Photo Credit: Benjamin Combs Annie Spratt


  • Kim Carberry 24th October 2017 at 11:40 AM

    I am not much of a gardener but I know our front garden needs a tidy. Things have became overgrown over the summer…I hadn’t thought of weeding at this time of year. I might have to send my fella out there. Fantastic advice.

  • Kirsty McManus 24th October 2017 at 9:55 PM

    Some great tips here, we are trying to turn our garden around in our new house and it feels like we are fighting a losing battle! I feel like we’ve not stopped weeding…

  • Claire 25th October 2017 at 8:49 AM

    Great tips here 🙂 My garden is a bit plain and boring at the minute but I would love to spend more time in it.

  • Natalia 25th October 2017 at 11:10 AM

    I never thought of using mulch – will give that one a go! Thanks for the tips : )

  • Elinor Hill 25th October 2017 at 1:27 PM

    You’ve reminded me to add our fallen leaves to the compost bin. I’m too easily drawn to the garden bin and should receive the benefits myself!

  • Elizabeth 26th October 2017 at 7:49 AM

    Great tips, these! I do love gardening but I just don’t seem to have enough hours in the day to do it. One of these years I’ll get to it!

  • Michelle Kellogg 28th October 2017 at 12:02 AM

    My apartment complex used to have a community garden but it has since disappeared. Not sure why. I don’t have a green thumb so I never used it but these are great tips for those who wish to start a winter garden or for those who want to know how to keep their current garden healthy. Thanks for sharing!

  • Lucy | Real Mum Reviews 29th October 2017 at 3:33 AM

    I struggle with gardening in winter as never know if something is dead or whether it’s just stopped flowering!

  • Beth @ 30th October 2017 at 3:13 PM

    I think it’s the cleaning up of the rubbish in my garden that’s the problem. 🙁 I would love to get my garden sorted though.

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