5 Ways to Make Space in A Small Place

10th October 2017

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Having to live in a tiny home is bad enough without it having to look as cramped as it is. One of the strongest instincts people have is to fight to be free. When you are stuck with practically no space to move we often feel that our freedom is impacted. With a few clever tricks to make a space feel roomier in a small place, you will soon feel that you can breathe again.

5 Ways to Make Space in A Small Place

5 Ways to make space in a small place

Set the wall free

Spacing all of your furniture against the wall may end up making your area look smaller. Move a couch away from the wall and place a slim console or a small table behind it. It will instantly lend more space.

Use light colours

Painting walls in lighter colours have the effect of opening up a room while darker colours (although great for use in the design of larger spaces) will make it look smaller. Keeping to whites, creams, light greys and light blues will aid in the creation of space.

Furniture with many uses

Another secret to making an area appear larger is to keep it clutter-free. When you have a limited amount of places to put things this may become hard to do. If you can get your hands on a couch that has drawers under it or that folds open with storage space for bedding and the like, you have a functional piece of furniture with usable storage all in one which means that you are saving at least one square meter of floor space right there.

5 Ways to make space in a small place

Making use of monochromes

Make your area seem bigger by using different shades of the same colour and see the difference it makes in the expanse appearance. Be sure to use light colours because as mentioned, it opens up a space easily.

Darken the ceiling

While a lighter colour on the walls is good for the illusion of space, using a dark colour on your ceiling does the same. If you make use of a stunning light fixture or an accent piece on the ceiling to boot, the eye is drawn toward it which creates the illusion of height in your room.

These are just a few of my favourites but there are many more out there and with some imagination, you will soon come up with a few ways of your own that will make it seem that you have more space in your small place.

5 Ways to make space in a small place


  • Talya 10th October 2017 at 1:44 PM

    Ooooh I never knew about the dark ceiling aspect…I always thought that would make things look smaller it’s almost counter intuitive. Some fab tips here.

  • Alex Lamb & Bear 10th October 2017 at 6:11 PM

    I never thought about putting a darker colour on the ceiling! I may have to try that in our living room!

  • Newcastle Family Life 10th October 2017 at 6:58 PM

    We have quite a big house but it seems small with all the children’s clutter. These are some great ideas x

  • Alex 10th October 2017 at 9:01 PM

    Great tips – our apartment is tiny and i’m forever trying to find ways to make better use of the space!

  • Rhian Westbury 11th October 2017 at 9:12 AM

    I think multi-purpose furniture and well placed storage can make a huge difference in a small area x

  • Lisa - The Love of a Captain Blog 11th October 2017 at 9:15 PM

    I have never heard of darkening the ceiling. What a clever idea. I’ve just realised how badly my house is in desperate need of a makeover!

  • Sabrina @ The Mummy Stylist 11th October 2017 at 10:22 PM

    We used to live in a small apartment, so keeping it clutter free was a must – hard though! Never knew about dark ceilings, interesting! X

  • Fashion and Style Police 11th October 2017 at 11:05 PM

    Furniture with many uses is great. Making use of monochromes does help too.

  • Katie 12th October 2017 at 1:41 PM

    The wall magazine rack is a great idea. Our sofas are constantly covered in newspapers and magazines with no home to put them in until we finish reading them – might consider something like that!

  • Rebecca 3rd November 2017 at 9:29 AM

    Lovely post. And you learn something new everyday! Didn’t realise about the dark ceiling x.

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