It’s so easy to accumulate ‘stuff’. With new things coming into the home all the time, replacements for items being bought, it’s easy to put things into a cupboard or drawer where they get forgotten and sit unused for evermore. On top of this, there are jobs in the home that just don’t need doing every time you clean, and only need doing a few times a year.
For this reason, it’s well worth embracing the ‘spring clean’ and taking your home back to basics- getting it clean and beautiful and getting rid of anything you no longer need. Not only will this make keeping it tidy easier, but it can reduce stress too and help you to stay more organised. Getting rid of things you don’t need frees up space for the items that you do use and love, making them easier and quicker to find. Here are some ideas for your spring cleaning to- do list.
Your first step when it comes to spring cleaning is decluttering. Once you’ve got rid of things that you don’t need, it makes cleaning and organising so much easier. It’s a good idea to get three big boxes, label them ‘bin’ ‘give to friends’ and ‘charity shop’- that way it can make it easier to get rid of things you don’t use. Anything that’s broken, unusable or clearly past its best should be thrown in the bin- no use holding on to items like this. Items that are still good but you just don’t use them, ask yourself if someone else out there could get better use from it. A friend might love this item, or you could give it to a charity shop. Not only will this raise money for a charity but it will also be picked up by someone who loves and will use the item that’s collecting dust in your home.
Do The Less Frequent Cleaning Jobs
We all know the regular cleaning jobs that we seem to spend half of our lives doing. Cleaning kitchens and bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting and tidying up. But there are other things in the home that only need doing every now and again. A spring clean could be a chance to hire a carpet cleaner or a cleaning company and have all of your rugs and carpets cleaned. These will have them looking as good as new while getting rid of bacteria which carpets can accumulate. Clean all of your blinds, many types of vertical blinds slats can actually be removed and put into the washing machine. Pull out large pieces of furniture and dust and vacuum behind them, and check for any signs of mould. If you spot any, use an antifungal cleaner.
Don’t Forget The Garden
As well as the home, the garden can accumulate rubbish over the course of the year. Empty the shed, throwing away tools or accessories that have stopped working or furniture that’s rotted. A company like Grange Removals could come and collect if there’s a lot to move. Get rid of kids outdoor toys that they no longer use, and clear away things like wellington boots, shoes and bikes that have been left outside.
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