5 Methods to Prevent a Toilet Blockage at Home

20th September 2019

The average family home has a complex system of waste pipes that channel away the waste, and like any system, it can develop issues. Basically, everything that goes down the toilet and kitchen and bathroom sinks will end up in the drains. If you want to reduce the risk of a toilet blockage, here are a few good ideas.

7 Tips to Reduce Water Wastage at Home

18th July 2019

Taking steps to reduce water wastage and help conserve the precious resource is not just a good idea, but is also a necessary step today. Considering how more and more areas are struggling with drought today. It is so important that we take as many steps as possible to reduce water wastage.

Simple Bathroom Decorating Ideas

21st June 2019

Are you looking for a new bathroom design? However, lack the funds or expertise to complete a remodel of your existing space? It can be easy to look at a space and think that it all needs to be ripped out and started afresh. However, with some simple bathroom decorating ideas you can transform the space you have without gutting.

How to Spring clean your bathroom

8th June 2019

The bathroom is one room in your home that may need a spring cleaning more than once a year. When you think of spring cleaning you think not only about scrubbing the walls until they sparkle but clearing out the clutter that can accumulate.

Keeping Bathrooms Fresh Clean Without Chemicals

24th May 2019

Keeping bathrooms clean and fresh smelling is a task that almost no one looks forward to doing, yet it must be done. Knowing exactly what needs to be done and which products work best for the task at hand can make the job simpler and less time-consuming. It will also make the job more enjoyable if it is done without the use of harsh chemicals.

5 Ways to Make Your Bathroom More Eco-Friendly

14th April 2019

Who says a bathroom can’t be both sleek and eco-friendly? Your bathroom is one of the most popular rooms in your home, so it makes sense that homeowners want to bring added value to this space. Creating a functional area that promotes healthy wellness practices and benefits the environment doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your dream bathroom goals.

Bathroom tiles cleaning tips and ideas

26th March 2019

Cleaning the bathroom involves cleaning tiles and removing any mould, mildew or soap scum that may have accumulated. Since bathrooms are heavily used and usually remain damp, tiles tend to get dirty very fast.

Bathroom Decor: Choosing A Shower

11th March 2019

A shower enclosure marks a substantial investment and therefore when it comes to deciding what one to purchase this is not a decision that should be taken lightly. When you spend a substantial sum of money on a product you need to make sure you are 100% happy with it at the end of the day.

Tips for Designing Your Dream Bathroom

25th February 2019

If you are looking around your bathroom and wishing it had a more modern look, it might be time to start thinking of a bathroom remodel. Updating some of the old fixtures in your bathroom can give it a whole new look. If you are a DIY kind of person, you can create a modern look on your own.

Create a stylish organiser for your bathroom

15th August 2018

Shaving brush, aftershave, cotton wool pads, eyelash curler – so many things but not enough space? Try creating a space saving bathroom organiser made from upcycled mason jars, perfect for even the smallest of bathrooms.

Making the Most of Your Small Bathroom

26th October 2017

Many of us, especially those of who live in cities, have small bathrooms in our homes. It can be frustrating and sometimes really annoying, but, with the right know-how,  you can make them stylish and practical. So, instead of spending hours on Pinterest, dreaming about the what the perfect bathroom could look like, I thought I would lay out some tips for you on how you can make the most of your small bathroom space.
