How to Propose to Him

How to Propose to Him

17th February 2022

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In 2022, there is no reason why women cannot take the reins when it comes to marriage. If you love him and you think he loves you too, there is no reason why you should not pip the question and propose to him!

If you like the idea of being the one to ask your man to marry you, but you’re not sure how to go about it, here are some tips to help you get it right:

Propose to him: What to think about

How to Propose to Him

Plan ahead

When you are planning a proposal, it always pays to plan ahead. Things can and do go wrong, but you can minimize the chances of it happening by choosing a date and tie when there is not usually a lot going on, when you know his calendar is empty – check with friends and family if you aren’t sure – and when the weather, traffic, or whatever other logistics you have to deal with – are less likely to give you any trouble.

Propose for the right reasons

First and foremost, make sure that you are planning to propose for the right reason. Many people think about proposing because they want to see where their relationship stands or because they are scared of losing a partner, but those are not ideal reasons for getting married. You should only propose if you can’t imagine being with anyone else but him.

Think about what he’s like

As a woman, you might have had your dream proposal scenario in your head for a very long time, but if you are going to be the one doing the proposing, you need to think about what your guy would like.

You might be one for biog romantic gestures with unique engagement rings designed especially for the occasion, but is your guy a bit more low-key? Would he like a public proposal or a private one? Put him first and you are much more likely to get it right.

How to Propose to Him

Choose an important place

Whether you plan to go low-key or public, if you want to make it as romantic as possible, try to choose a location that has a lot of meaning for you both. That restaurant where you had your first date, the park where you had your first kiss, you get the idea…

Buy the rings together

If you know that your guy would probably like to be the one buying the perfect ring for you, don’t go out and buy engagement rings for you both without him! Propose without a ring and that way you can both go shopping to buy each other the perfect engagement rings together. Make a day of it and it will be a nice little romantic event building up to the big day.

Enjoy it

Of course, the best thing you can do to ensure your proposal goes well is to relax and have fun with it. It’s a happy occasion so the last thing you need is to be stressed out.

Good luck, I hope your proposal is as amazing as you always imagined it would be!
