brown home printed rug beside door

Selling Your House? Here’s How To Increase Your Home’s Market Potential

9th September 2024

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Selling your home can be an ordeal in itself. It can be just as stressful as buying a new house and the whole moving process. It isn’t an easy thing to go through. Especially if you have a family. There is the whole keeping it neat and tidy for starters. The upheaval of showing someone around, hoping they may like it enough to put an offer in. It can leave you on tenterhooks. However, there are a few things you can do to make the situation easier.

The main one is home improvements. While you don’t want to spend too much, given that you are moving out, spending a little can make a big difference—both in how quickly you sell your home and your market value. So, I thought I would share with you some of the ways you can do that. 

Think about your home’s first impression

This is what a potential buyer sees first. Sure, they have seen pictures of your home on the internet, maybe, or in a brochure or other literature. But seeing is truly believing. The first thing they will see is how your home looks on the pavement or drive. So it’s vital you take care of the first impression and make it a good one.

Here's How To Increase Your Home Market Potential

A freshly mown lawn and neatened flower beds will help. You could also take pride and brush up any dropped leaves or debris from the path or driveway. Garage doors are possibly the first thing someone’s eyes are drawn to, so if they look tattered and unloved, this may put buyers off. You could think about replacing them, making your home look amazing from the outside. Things like oak garage doors will always look appealing to the eye. It’s up to you, but a first impression could be your only impression. 

Clutter will not sell your home

If a house looks filled to the brim with things and personal items, it can be difficult for a potential buyer to see past that. What they want to do when they walk through the door is imagine their furniture in the rooms, and how they will feel living there. So make this as easy as possible to do and minimise your home as much as possible.

Personal items like pictures are always great to keep out. They show that a home has been happy and filled with love. But magazines, old newspapers, and you and bills lying about won’t be appealing to a new buyer. You could use it as an opportunity to get ahead on the packing and box those items up so they are ready for when you do move. 

photograph of a living room with a sofa and a chair - Selling Your House? Here's How To Increase Your Home's Market Potential

Decorating could be the best thing you did

It may seem like dead money spending on a house you don’t intend to stay in, but it can increase your sale value. Which is only a good thing. Decorating your home is one way to do this. You may, over time, added your personality to the place. You have every right to. Buy because you like a particular coloured wall it doesn’t mean someone else will.

If you can spruce up even a few rooms and paint them in a neutral shade, you will be doing yourself a whole host of favours. This gives the impression that a buyer can move straight into a place without having to do any work themselves. It’s a win-win situation for everyone. 

I hope this helps you with any future sales

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