Outdoor spring cleaning also involves organising and arranging, especially in the garage or garden where clutter is bound to build up. From boxes to car parts to bikes and tools, the garage should remain neat and safe, especially if children will be running around during the summer.
The same goes for the garden. Keep clutter to a minimum and designate certain areas where things can be kept or stored.
Organising and bringing out the furniture
The most exciting part of Spring cleaning can be pulling out the furniture from its winter storage. As with anything else, clean it off and rinse it down with the hose before assembling. Make sure this is done last after the deck has been cleaned and stained after repairs have done after the clutter has been removed. The patio should be a great place to relax and enjoy the summer, so keep it clean and clutter free. Set up an area for a bonfire or put up a swing-set for the kids.

Uncover ready for summer
Towards the end of May is when the pool should be opened. Remove the cover(s) and purify the water with the appropriate chemicals. Always have a sufficient supply of chlorine, and learn the proper techniques for cleaning the water throughout the summer.
The barbecue, meanwhile, can be brought out as soon as you are ready for it. It’s a good idea to place it on the patio, as far away from the deck or fence as possible. Clean the racks with a brush and de-greasing, de-rusting agent. Cleaning the barbecue can be an off-putting job because of all the grease and oil build-up but it’s completely necessary to ensure a satisfying meal.

Don’t let dirt build-up over summer
The final tip is to keep the garden tidy throughout the entire summer. Don’t let dirt build-up. Don’t let weeds overstay their welcome. Don’t let your lawn or garden become overgrown. Don’t let clutter take over your yard. Spring cleaning begins in the Spring but continues until the first snowfall several months later. With all of the above outdoor cleaning tips, your yard will become a beautiful sight that you, your family and friends can appreciate and enjoy during the Spring and Summer months.
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