Many people are asking the question, “what should I do to prepare my garden for spring?” While it’s still the winter season, we know that the seasons pass quicker than planned which means we need to prepare ourselves for the upcoming garden season.
There are quite a few things you can do to prepare your vegetable garden for spring and today I’m featuring the top tips to get you started.
Prepare your vegetable garden for spring

Clean Those Pots
Whether you’re buying new or using last year’s pots, it’s time to get washing all of the pots you’ll use to start your vegetables. Look through your collection of garden pots for any cracks or wear and tear that make them unusable this spring. Toss the old, broken pots away and clean the ones you’re able to reuse. Take a trip to your local lawn and garden center to pick up new pots to replace any broken ones.
Make Plant Labels
You could even do this as a kid-friendly project. Gather up some craft sticks, like popsicle sticks, and markers. Draw the name of your vegetables on each stick in a vertical pattern with a small image of what the vegetable is, if you want so that you have your vegetable garden labels ready for spring planting. Having plant labels ready will allow you to be more organized with your vegetable garden this spring.
Prepare for Planting
This is the time of year when you start to plant seedlings for your vegetable garden indoors. Gather up your favorite compost or plant fertilizer, the clean pots, and plant labels to get ready to start the sowing process. Find locations in your home where the sun shines in the window so that you can place small pots of vegetable seedlings to start growing. This will jumpstart your vegetable garden for the spring season.
Work on Compost
The best way to fertilize the growth of your vegetable garden is to use a compost pile to develop your own fertilizer. You can easily start a compost pile any time of the year, but I highly recommend you dig down into the ground once it’s thawed out so that you can place compost underneath the area where your vegetable garden will be located. This will give the soil a headstart on being nutrient rich for your vegetable garden.
These are just a few ways to help you prepare your vegetable garden for spring. How you get your vegetable garden ready for spring will depend on your own trial and error experiences. What are some things that you do to prepare your vegetable garden for the spring season?

Photo Credit: Annie Spratt Neslihan Gunaydin
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