How to give up bad habits? Tips to help you do it

How to give up bad habits? Tips to help you do it

25th March 2022

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Bad habits are different for everyone. What you may think is a bad habit might not be in the opinion of someone else, but if you are looking for ways that you can give up bad habits check out the tips in this article.

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where our lifestyle choices can hinder our lives’ journey. The choices we make in terms of our health and wellbeing can affect us differently. Sometimes these habits develop without us even realising. Maybe it’s our circumstances that dictate it. Or simply we just have made a wrong decision and then decide not to make the change. However, developing healthier habits can be beneficial to our wellbeing and how we feel on a day-to-day basis. With that in mind, here are some of the easiest ways you can give up bad habits and some ideas on where to focus your energy. 

How to give up bad habits?

Bad habits are different for everyone. What you may think is a bad habit might not be in the opinion of someone else, but the actions that you take are always going to be similar. You need to decide what it is you want to give up, and then take the necessary steps to make that happen. Here are some of the ways that you can give up bad habits:

  • Remember it takes time – The first thing to remember is that it can take time to break a habit. So don’t give up if you find it hard. The more you stick with it, the more you will see the positive changes. 
  • Focus on one thing at a time – trying to change too many things at once will overwhelm you and cause you to lapse. This then creates feelings of guilt and failure. Instead, focus on one thing at a time and implement positive lifestyle changes to support it. You may find that these benefit you in other ways as well. 
  • Identify your triggers and make the necessary routine changes – Knowing what you need to avoid and changing your routine will help you on your path to breaking that bad habit. 
  • Mindfulness can be a great way to realign your thoughts and mindset. 

Lastly, replace bad habits with new healthier alternatives. This is where you might want to make some changes and introduce new habits to replace the old ones. Here are some examples. 

How to give up bad habits? Tips to help you do it

Does your diet need looking at

We can all be guilty of reaching for those convenience foods when life is busy or just choosing to eat things that are not particularly good for us. This is when the diet can go out of the window. But it shouldn’t be about losing weight, and it should be more about having the right balance with the food you eat and getting the proper nutrients and vitamins from your diet to give your body precisely what it needs to function. There is a lot of information online about how to have a balanced diet and the right foods to be eating. 

Do you have a vice you want to give up? 

We all have vices and bad habits that we want to rid ourselves of now and again. Smoking is one of them, and while it can be a tricky thing to give up, there are some great methods out there to help you do it. You might want to consider a healthier habit and switch to vaping instead. Or perhaps speak with a doctor to see what other methods are available. Some even go cold turkey, but it can take a lot of willpower and determination to see it through.

Alcohol is another vice that we can all be a little reliant on at times. Reaching for that drink too often and knowing that you perhaps need the glass rather than enjoying it. Getting rid of the temptation is a good place to start with alcohol, and keeping a good stock of non-alcoholic drinks that you want can help you make the switch. 

How to give up bad habits? Tips to help you do it

How often do you exercise?

When was the last time you exercised? Probably not for a while if you are starting to question your lifestyle. Exercising forms a big part of a generally healthy lifestyle, and so you may want to consider how often and when you decide to exercise and be more active. It isn’t about joining a gym and trying out gruelling aerobic classes or sweating away on a treadmill. Being active could mean a brisk walk. It could mean a run in the park, an at-home workout you follow on YouTube or even simple yoga positions in the garden. It is all about making a choice. 

There are many healthy habits you might want to change up. Drinking more water, taking better care of yourself and your mindset. Often just starting on this quest can have a knock-on effect in other areas of your life. All of these things will have a positive impact on your life and have you feeling much better within yourself. Let’s hope these tips will help you to give up bad habits and embrace a more positive and healthier lifestyle. 
