Heartfelt Ways to Honour a Loved One

Heartfelt Ways to Honour a Loved One

20th January 2022

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Deciding on the perfect way to honour a loved one can be challenging, so you may choose to pay tribute to them in several ways.

When someone you love passes, the pain of your loss can feel devastating and it can be difficult to accept what has happened. Coming to terms with the loss of a loved one can be a long process, and it is perfectly natural to reach out for support along the way. Finding comfort at this difficult time is essential, and talking can be a great help. Speaking to either a specialist bereavement counsellor or talking through your feelings with a close friend are helpful ways to work through your emotions and process what has happened. But, you may also be hoping to find ways to ensure the memory of your loved one lives on.

Ways to honour a loved one

Creating a lasting keepsake is an excellent way to do this and to honour them. Deciding on the perfect way to honour a loved one can be challenging, so you may choose to pay tribute to them in several ways. If you need a little inspiration to help you choose the perfect tribute for your loved one, these ideas should help:

Create a Memory Box

Creating a special memory box for your loved one is a great way to bring all your special memories together into one place. What you place in your memory box is entirely up to you, but many people fill their boxes with items such as photographs, greetings cards from their loved ones, and trinkets reminding them of happy times they shared. Whenever you want to feel close to that special person or want to be reminded of the good times, you can simply get the box out and look through your memories.

Heartfelt Ways to Honour a Loved One

Order a Bespoke Keepsake

Ordering a bespoke keepsake is an excellent way to ensure you always feel your loved one is with you and can provide great comfort both now and into the future. One popular way to create an ever-lasting keepsake is to have a piece of jewelry with finger or foot prints made especially to honour your loved one. Commissioning a piece of fingerprint jewellery is a unique way to keep that special person with you at all times.

Fingerprint jewellery is professionally created, and the print is embossed onto the surface of the piece. Your fingerprint jewellery piece could be a necklace, ring, earrings, or bracelet, so you have many options to consider when finding your perfect fingerprint keepsake. Once your unique piece of jewellery has been created, you will be able to keep your loved one near wherever you are.

Continue Their Legacy

Did your loved one have a cause they felt passionately about or an ambition they always wanted to achieve? If so, this could provide the perfect opportunity to honour them. Continuing with the great work they started and seeing it through to the end is an ideal way to create a legacy that reflects their true personality. Alternatively, you could set up a fundraiser or launch a foundation in their name. Either way, this is an excellent way to create a lasting legacy.
