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How to Enjoy a Healthy and Welcoming Garden

24th July 2024

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There’s nothing better than sitting in your garden on a warm, sunny day, and enjoying the greenery and life out there. But on the other hand, there’s nothing worse than going outside and seeing an unruly garden or, even worse, a dying one.

People enjoy sitting among healthy plants. It’s good for your physical and mental health, and gardening can be a great hobby as you create an environment you enjoy and experience the satisfaction of the fruits of your labor.

So, how can you make sure your garden is always as healthy and welcoming as it can be?

How to make sure your garden is healthy and welcoming

How to make sure your garden is healthy and welcoming

The Lawn

Most gardens have a lawn. Lawns are great for children and dogs. They can be a flat play area, or they can be a beautifully maintained stretch of grass that looks beautiful. Your lawn largely depends on your lifestyle.

But in any case, whether you want to use your lawn for your family or simply enjoy it, healthy and green grass is the best option. 

A large lawn can be hard to care for and to keep short, so look into ride on mowers to keep your garden under control. If the grass gets too long, it can be difficult to bring it back to a nice length while keeping it green and healthy.

Regular maintenance is key. Bald spots and patches can be dealt with by topping them up with grass seed. Thankfully, grass spreads readily. If you have moss, it might be necessary to dig it up and replace it with seed.

Paths and Borders

While a lawn is nice to look at, it can be a bit boring when that’s all there is to your garden. If you want a bit of personality, it’s a good idea to border your lawn with hardscaping, like rocks and even paths.

This also adds functionality to your garden. Paths are an obvious option, they give you a set path to wander through your garden without standing on the plants. You can also invest in paving or decking so you have a flat place to sit and soak in the sun.

Stone borders are decorative features that highlight beds and lawns in your garden. They also, as the name suggests, provide a clear border between plants. This can prevent plants from spreading too quickly. Besides, they look pretty.

selective focus photography of white marguerite daisy flower

Flowers and Other Plants

Finally, your garden should also include a bit of variety. Trees and shrubs add shade and dimension to your garden. Some trees and bushes are also ideal for encouraging pollinators and birds to visit your garden, giving you some wildlife to enjoy while you’re out there.

Meanwhile, flowers add color. Most flowers are highly seasonal, so if you want flowers year-round, you need to keep on top of them. A variety of flowers are a good idea, so when some die back or hibernate, you get an explosion of color elsewhere. 

Flowers also have the benefit of attracting those all-important pollinators, which is great if you’re trying to grow fruit and vegetables in your garden as well.

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